About the Outpost Residency Program
This residency opportunity is part of a larger initiative to develop a creative hub at Farmers Park. In the same way the park provides a venue and community centered around local food with the Farmers Market of the Ozarks™, Farmers Park is actively seeking to grow our creative community by providing a venue and programming focused on local and regional artists and art-making. Several programs are currently underway, including the Farmers Park Art Project Open Call for public Art, with the first finalist selected – nationally award-winning artist Matthew Mazzotta.
The Farmers Park Art Project strives to make Farmers Park a creative district by promoting the importance of regional culture and ideas through the exposure of relevant and substantial regional artwork. Our mission is to foster cultural sustainability and strengthen our community by bridging the rich and utilitarian history of a timeless agricultural tradition with the complex social landscape of the modernized world.
About Farmers Park
Farmers Park is a multi-use destination for people and businesses alike; Farmers Park offers premium alternatives to the mass-produced food and goods so commonly sold today. The area features LEED®-certified buildings, lots, and landscaping – all designed and constructed for low impact and long-term sustainability. Farmers Park serves the Ozarks region as a community-oriented center of activity where individuals and families can embrace healthy, happy lifestyles while supporting local famers and businesses.
Farmers Park is quickly proving to be a premier community destination in the Ozarks. The Park’s many amenities and an exciting calendar of events regularly bring individuals, couples, families, and friends together. People hit the Park for festivals, concerts, shopping, restaurants, and the open-air farmers market. The result is a vibrant atmosphere and a refreshing sense of community.
With opportunities to live, work, shop, and play, Farmers Park has everything necessary to sustain a satisfied lifestyle: luxury apartments, Class A commercial offices, an array of dining choices, premium shopping, locally grown food, and rejuvenating services for body and mind.


J. Karl Lipscomb
J. Karl Lipscomb focuses primarily on sculpture, with reclaimed wood being his medium of choice. Most of his process is done with power hand tools: skill saw, chop saw, jigsaw, belt sander, pad sander, and a 4 ½ inch disk grinder. During his residency Karl would like to create an interactive piece that provides visitors a space to sit or sprawl in the shade under a canopy comprised of geometric and organic forms, which rise and grow into tree-like shapes.

Ankica Mitrovska
Ankica Mitrovska works with charcoal on gesso paper through the process of adding and subtracting. This process allows the work to stay in constant flux. In Ankica’s most recent residency, she began working on a new set of expressive mix media portrait based drawings on paper banners and would love to continue exploring the new approach here at Farmers Park. Ankica also intends to utilize her time here to research the idea of a residency, and its relevance, with the intent of starting up a live/work self-sustained artist residency in Skopje, Macedonia upon her return in 2015.

Kenneth Moore
Kenneth Moore begins each of his works with a set of self-imposed guidelines that include a large element of repetition. Kenneth’s works are performative in nature, and carry the record of his daily act in paint. The focus of his practice concerns itself with the everyday broken down into four components: time, the political, the societal, and the individual. During Kenneth’s stay at Farmers Park, he intends to create between 150 and 170 works.
Get Connected
Through workshops, galleries and events put on by the artists themselves or through the Farmers Market of the Ozarks, the Outpost Residency will be coordinating many opportunities for the resident artists to interact with the community at Farmers Park. Stay current on all upcoming galleries, events and interactions with Dispatch, the Outpost Artist Residency Blog!
April 22, 2015
On Wednesday the Outpost Resident Artists, along with visiting artist Matthew Mazzotta, hosted a walking tour to discuss the arts related programming being developed here at Farmers Park. This included a sneak peak at Matthew’s concept for an interactive installation in the park area, Ankica’s hands-on bean bag sculpture, and the performance-based installation known as the Drawing Box.
We will be debuting these works during an upcoming Saturday market, stay tuned for more details to be released soon!
March 28, 2015
Along with my helper, Kiki, we spent Thursday afternoon disassembling pallets that we have found at various locations. Now it’s time to let the transformation begin and to bring to life the drawing box.
March 18, 2015
Time is flying by! At the end of February, Kenneth presented his workshop on gesture drawing and it was well received. We had a good turn-out and everyone seemed to enjoy the process, atmosphere, and instruction. Those of you that missed it also missed me modeling for the first time in … well … a while … I won’t say how long ago that was. (I do believe that there are photos of the workshop on the Outpost’s site.)
My first workshop will be this weekend, Saturday the 21st at 1:00 pm. I will be doing a basic introductory to Stack-laminating which is the process that I use to create my large vases. Come join us or just stop in to take a look at the process. The weather forecasts look VERY good, the market will be going “big guns”, and there are several good choices for lunch. I’ve attached a photo of a small maquette that I was playing with in search of inspiration …
Meanwhile, in between these two workshops it feels like a regular circus around here. Once the weather finally broke and we could dependably get out, then the pace quickened to a slow steady run.
March 11th, a friend picked me up and took me to his business where I was given a trailer to load and permission to take “almost anything”. Here are a couple of photos:
That night we had the pleasure of dinner at a Chuck Travers’ house, Jeff left before I remembered my camera, so he is not in this photo. What happened was that his patient (and probably lonely) pregnant wife called about getting some “Moose Tracks” (ice cream aficionados and husbands of pregnant wives all know what Moose Tracks is).
March 12th, Thursday, we went as a group on another “pick”. This one was a round the counties type spin, courtesy of a couple of the vendors at the Farmers Market that responded so favorably to our plea for “old crap.” All of us forgot to take photos while we were looking at all the great stuff. But we do have a few that we posed for and maybe Ankica & Jeff will share theirs.
I did talk the crew (which included both of Jeff’s wonderful little preschool brats, just kidding, the kids were angels) into stopping at the MO. Dept. of Conservation’s fish hatchery in Chesapeake on the way back. I just wanted to spend a half hour looking at tanks with thousands of small fish, but I think our guide Allison wanted to make sure that we didn’t miss anything. I enjoyed it and I hope my fellow artists did as well, but I fear that they may not fully trust me now. However, Ankica did have a boat-load of literature and pamphlets when we left, so maybe I didn’t inconvenience them too much. It’s a cool facility.
Now it’s time to head back to the studio, I will try to remember to bring take some current photos … it does not look at all empty anymore.
March 8, 2015
The first two weeks of March I was able to step out of the Outpost Residency and travel To Lynchburg, Virginia to install my second solo exhibition of this year. I was not sure what to expect but when I got there, but I instantly fell in love with the city. I was amazed by the wonderful people I met and worked with during my stay, the growing contemporary art scene and the hilly nature of the city. Here are some images:
During my stay I was interviewed by “The Burg Magazine” and ended up featured in the cover story – here is the direct link.
I was present for the opening of the exhibition on March 6th and gave a gallery talk, and hosted a charcoal drawing workshop on March 7th. The entire journey was photographed and summarized in a photo album created by Riverviews Artspace – here is the direct link.
February 26, 2015
Untitled (A Step Forward):
This work was inspired by a couple of different elements. The first being somewhat an homage to one of the artists that influences my current practice, Sol Lewitt. Another element, and the most prominent being its’ location along with the stage of the residency when it was conceived. “A Step Forward”, is intended to be a visualization of the public kick off for the Outpost Residency and where the steps all lead to a common ground of coming together with the expectations of stability through the give and take of conversations (located adjacent to our morning meetings) and the transference of information between not only ourselves but the surrounding community.
The Workshop:
The first of a series of workshops started out on a good note discussing the concepts of the gesture and how it is used along with the application of it through practice. We had a great group of people of all age groups and skill levels. The atmosphere was relaxed with an enthusiastic energy to learn about some of the fundamental aspects of a studio practice that many artists consider very important to their craft. I’d like to thank Jeff Broekhoven and J. Karl Lipscomb for taking it upon themselves to model for those attended the workshop.
February 24, 2015
Looking back over the past 10 days, Snow, ice, more snow, thoughts on a grey day, too much time indoors … got me thinking about and working on establishing some kind of routine. Something constant and daily as there has been so much change that I was feeling restless. Even our “daily” meetings were sporadic due to weather problems and schedules.
Then it occurred to me that routine is exactly what we are trying to break out of here, a residency should not be “routine”. Fresh environment, new stimulus, and change of focus seem to be what it’s all about, certainly something different and out of the ordinary of working in the same old space. By Thursday night I think that we all were ready to let loose a little for our weekly group dinner, I served up a small buffet of Mexican style food and then we went sledding.
For the record, cardboard is fast on snow/ice but you’re just as likely to slide off of the cardboard as you are to make it down the hill still on it.
February 16, 2015
Two weeks into the Outpost Residency and I got this amazing studio space made just for my art practice needs with a lot of day light.
A week ago, before traveling to Huntsville, Al for the installation of my solo exhibition, I was able to spread all 700 of my paper cutouts drawings of cartoony eyes on the floor.
A portion of them became part of the gallery installation in Huntsville, whereas the other portion became part of the interactive installation in the Community Room in conjunction with the Feb. 14th Outpost Residency walking tours.
February 13, 2015
The beginning stages have been completed and now to finally start applying a little paint.
February 3, 2015
With no particular fanfare or ceremony, we start a blog, a running monologue of events, thoughts, and feelings in relation to this wonderful experience that I am having. I start today, not at the beginning (about 2 weeks ago), but today Tuesday February 3rd, just because that is how things came to be. (maybe I’ll try to fill in the blanks later, maybe not)
Yesterday I got my first look at my expanded studio. Late afternoon, Greg came knocking at my door to deliver a key to the area that he found available. So, as the sun was setting and the light just right I opened the door to a dream space, over 800 sq. ft. of wide open 14 foot high ceiling, indoor well lit, corner office, with huge windows! This is as-of-yet unleased retail space on the ground floor; SW corner of building A, south side is all glass (windows & door). West side looks out across the park area and to my delight, just a bit to the North, Holahan’s.
Now to find some materials…
Get in touch!
Looking to apply for a residency at Outpost or just wanting more information?
Use this form to get in touch, or give us a call at
Outpost Artist Residency
2144 E. Republic Road Suite B201
Springfield, Missouri 65804